Transport Stream Analyzer XSTREAM (TSAX) is a free software for video analysis based on XtreamMedia Xpress Reader library.
Professional tools
XStream Media Player
XStream Media Player is a free cross-platform media player that reads MPEG-2 TS (PSP), AVC/h.264, MP3, WMA, Ogg/Vorbis, WMV, MKV and MOD formats.
FreeStreamer is a free cross-platform MPEG-2/MPEG-4/H.264/DVB (DVB-T, DVB-S, DVB-C) and ATSC/ISDB-T/MHEG-2(2,4,5) live TV software streamser. It includes a set of desktop widgets for the GNOME, KDE, and Windows platforms.
XBMC Media Center
XBMC Media Center is an open-source free cross-platform media center application based on the XBMC Media Center.
XtreamPlayer is a free cross-platform MPEG-2/MPEG-4/AVC/H.264/MP3/AAC/AC3/WMA/MPG/MP4 player and recorder.
AVID Metadatabase
AVID Metadatabase is a free, cross-platform software tool from Avermedia that records (including MPEG-2 TS (PSP), MP3, WMA, MOD, OGG/Vorbis, and SRT) audio, video, text, subtitles and Web content in a database and transmits it via a network to another application, operating system, or output device.
Split File
Split File is a free, cross-platform Windows software tool for analysis of video streams, used for video casting, video splicing, video editing, video conversion, and editing of the video stream formats .
NewVidCap is a free, cross-platform Windows software tool for video capture and editing of AVI video streams, used for video recording of football, soccer, and other sports matches and editing of the video stream formats .
Midomi is a free, cross-platform Windows software tool for video capture and editing of AVI video streams, used for video casting, video splicing, video editing, video conversion, and editing of the video stream
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